Wall of Adventure Wednesday: The Gabba

the gabbaThe first cricket match either of us ever went to, at the Gabba (the Brisbane Cricket Ground is in Woolloongabba, which is abbreviated to Gabba). It was an interstate test match on a Monday, so the only people in the ground besides us were a few teams worth of junior cricket players on group trips. The Ashes match we went to this year between England and Australia and the Twenty20 (much faster) matches were much more interesting and well attended.


Wall of Adventure Wednesday: Sydney

Sydney Harbour BridgeThe first time Jeremy visited Australia, our flight from Brisbane to Sydney was delayed, which meant that we missed our connection back to the US. United only had one flight a day, so we were “stuck” in Sydney for a bonus day of holiday. This was especially nice because I was still living in Boston then, while Jeremy was in Evanston. So, while older photos like this remind me of how much my camera and I have improved, this photo still makes me happy.