[Double feature book review! Includes both Theodosia and the Eyes of Horus and Theodosia and the Last Pharoah.]
Why? BECAUSE I AM A SUCKER FOR SERIES. Also, the last book Beckie read aloud while we drove up the coast on an overnight trip.
42 word reviews:
Theodosia and the Eyes of Horus: First two books mostly exhausted adults turning out to not be who they seem, so this is mostly about visiting Egyptian magician and whether he’s good guy or bad. Best part continues to be the relationship between Theodosia and urchin-sidekick Sticky Will.
Theodosia and the Last Pharoah: Takes place in Egypt, so no Sticky Will or other recurring characters besides T’s mother. Egyptian kid introduced as Sticky-Will-stand-in. Mostly fun but tired of formula and Young Reader fiction by this point, so glad this is finale (for now???).
Overall ratings: Eyes of Horus – 3 streetwise urchins (out of 5); Last Pharoah – 3 bazaar-wise donkey boys (out of 5)
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