Let’s give it a go!: laser skirmish


(This grainy image serves as the only evidence of our adventure.  Notice how Beckie has a Lara Croft thing going with her hair.)

We did this the night we went to the Hunger Games sequel’s midnight premiere.  We finished dinner at it was still hours before the movie, so we ended up at a bowling alley downtown that had laser skirmish in the back.  Let’s give it a go!

How was it?  More fun than I was expecting.  It was us and three teenagers.  There was a little movie at the beginning about a post-apocalyptic Australia and how we had to save the country from the rule of something called The Corporation, but I don’t know how this fit into the game since it was just everyone shooting at everyone else.  But lurking and crawling around in the dark was completely fun.  Also more exercise than I would have expected; our session was only ten minutes, but Beckie and I were both sweaty by the time it was through.

Who won?  The teenage boy.  But Beckie was second!  I was fourth.  I think I spent too much time trying to hide and avoid getting shot, and should have just focused on being a middle-aged liquored-up killing machine.

Would you do it again?  Yes!

1 thought on “Let’s give it a go!: laser skirmish

  1. Pingback: Vernacular Spectacular #5: “laser tag” versus “laser skirmish” | Beckie and Jeremy Take on the World!

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